Courage, it would seem, is nothing less than the power to overcome danger, misfortune, fear, injustice, while continuing to affirm inwardly that life with all its sorrows is good; that everything is meaningful even if in a sense beyond our understanding; and that there is always tomorrow.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

A story that ends with death.

The Wheel of Time™ Series

"The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose.... The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of time.
But it was a beginning."

With this phrase, millions of readers have entered a world strikingly real, rich in detail and complexity—the world of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time.

Since i first heard of the book till today i have read all the books of Wheel of Time series. But i never thought that it would end like this. The book ends taking the life of the author himself taking him to the world beyond. Late ROBERT JORDAN has been an artist who has inspired the men and women all around the globe, to go in to the world of fantasy. Times that i felt down and bored and going crazy, his books gave me light in my darkest hours and in dire times.

His journey to world beyond was 17th of September 2007. And to say that i am a fan is embarrassing because i just knew about his death when i was googling for the new books and updates of WHEEL OF TIME.

Yes he is one great man who gave light to the world when him self was fighting the shadow to the death. A brave man , an inspiring author. May he find shade and water as the aile would say. The world has lost yet another great author.


Anonymous said...

i want to read these...
many have told me how marvellous these books are.
but many have also failed to lend me these marvellous creations >.<

moyameehaa said...

yeah.too was only last year (or was it this year?)sidney sheldon died..and now this guy.damn.i have got his books in PDF for about 4 months..but never read a single page.dude..i promise i will read ur books soon. seriously. may god bless his soul!


@bulhaa: i cud lend u the books the thing is i dont have the begining with me i have the ending from 7 to 11. 1 to 6 i cudnt get it. some one always beat me to the book shop.

@moyameeha: sedney sheldon aint much fav author of mine but i am sure he was great coz his fans are great in number.But i can promise u this that wheel of time can make a change in ur life.

Anonymous said...

moyameeehaa!! lemme borrow the begining!! and zingy the ending?
[insert big huge irresistable smile here]

Iya said...

robert jordan immersed me in the world of fantasy. he will be missed.

but now that he's dead, lets hope we get to see a WOT movie or something...


@ vincinity of obscenity: WOT the movie wud be the most watched movie ever to hold the record that i can gaurantee. and would mean alot to the WOT fans around the glob. lets pray Robert Jordan's family grant the permission. i am sure, for one would by the movie even if its released as the book. 12 moveis would be great with detail. unlike the LORD OF THE RINGS which omited most good parts.

Iya said...

i disagree.. LOTR omitted the gay parts... mostly. there was a LOT of singing in tolkiens books. i dug the awesome battles. thats wat a WOT movie shud be like IMO